What is the P-Shot?

The P-Shot is a natural treatment option to help rejuvenate the penis. It employs the power of one’s own platelets to regenerate tissues in the male genitalia area.

The P-Shot can achieve the following for the penis:

  • Increased circulation
  • Improved strength
  • Enhanced size
  • Improved health
  • Increased sensation and pleasure

Who is a Candidate?

Many men consider the P-Shot due to erectile dysfunction issues that cannot be resolved with medication. Healthy individuals who wish to achieve a firmer, stronger, and larger erection can often benefit from this treatment. However, those with an enlarged prostate or those with previous issues with prostate cancer may not be good candidates. Please contact us today to schedule a consultation appointment to learn more.

The P-Shot Treatment

Before treatment, a topical lidocaine cream will be applied to the treatment site to ensure you are comfortable. The platelet treatment will then begin, which includes drawing blood from your arm. The blood will then be placed into a machine called a centrifuge, which will separate platelets from the rest of the blood. The platelet mixture is then transferred to a syringe and injected into the penis for customized treatment and results.

P-Shot Results

Many individuals can see instant results with improved girth and length. Over the next three days, the body will absorb some of the fluid, and there may be a slight decrease in size. However, the new tissue growth will continue for at least 12 weeks, increasing the size once more. The results of the P-Shot can last up to 18 months.

Schedule a Consultation

To learn more about how our health and wellness services can help you, please contact us today. We will be happy to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced providers at your convenience. Call 480-425-8700.