What is the O-Shot?

The O-Shot is a treatment that harnesses the body’s natural rejuvenation process to improve a woman’s sexual health. This treatment which uses the body’s own platelets is widely used to speed the healing process and stimulate new tissue growth for improved blood flow to the vagina and clitoris. It is a great option for those who wish to treat vaginal dryness and urinary incontinence and achieve improved orgasms.

Who is a Candidate?

If you are interested in increasing your sexual desire, arousal, lubrication, and/or treating urinary incontinence, then you may be able to benefit from the O-Shot. To see if you are a candidate, please contact our office today to schedule a consultation appointment.

The O-Shot Treatment

During the O-Shot treatment, your blood will be drawn and placed into a centrifuge which will separate platelets from the rest of the blood. After a topical numbing cream is applied, your platelets will be placed into a syringe and injected into your clitoris or labia. This procedure takes about 30 minutes to complete.

O-Shot Results

Following the O-Shot treatment, you may experience some local sensitivity for a couple of days. However, you may feel free to continue with intercourse on the same day as treatment. After about three weeks, new collagen will begin to develop and continue for the next nine weeks. At the three-month mark, results will be most effective and should last at least one year.

Schedule a Consultation

To learn more about how our health and wellness services can help you, please contact us today. We will be happy to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced providers at your convenience. Call 480-425-8700.