What is Kybella?

Are you bothered by excess fat under the chin that just won’t seem to budge, no matter how much you exercise? If so, you are not alone, Many people experience this excess fat due to genetics, which can make it hard to eliminate with lifestyle changes alone. Thankfully, Kybella is an effective, nonsurgical treatment option.

Kybella is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment to destroy fat cells in the area under the chin. This injectable is created with synthetic deoxycholic acid, a molecule that naturally occurs in the body to help with the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat.

Who is a Candidate?

Kybella may be right for you if you are bothered by excess fat under the chin, also called submental fullness, you do not wish to have surgery, and you eat well and exercise, but submental fullness will not go away. However, those who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not receive this treatment. Please contact us today to schedule a consultation appointment today to learn if you are a good candidate.

The Kybella Treatment

To begin your Kybella treatment, your physician will apply a topical numbing cream and map out where the injections will be administered. At each treatment session, you will receive multiple small injections under the chin which usually take 15-20 minutes. The exact number of injections needed will depend on your desired results.

Each Kybella treatment should be administered at least one month apart, and you should not receive more than six treatments.

Kybella Results

Following Kybella treatment, you may experience mild swelling, bruising, redness, and numbness in the treatment area, which may take several weeks to resolve. Over-the-counter pain medications, warm compresses, or cold packs may be helpful during the healing process. Maximum results are usually seen after six months. When Kybella is injected into the fat beneath the chin, these fat cells can no longer communicate, so the results are long-term!

Schedule a Consultation

To learn more about how our health and wellness services can help you, please contact us today. We will be happy to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced providers at your convenience. Call 480-425-8700.